Today, June 6, marks the end of a 17-day period that changed my life forever. 10 years ago, my father, Donald Bird, passed away after a short battle with lung cancer. 17 days earlier, on May 20, my mother, Robbin Bird, succumbed to breast cancer. These events profoundly altered my life, and it's been incredibly challenging for me to talk about them until now. For anyone who has lost a parent, you can begin to understand the overwhelming emotions associated with such a loss. Losing both of my parents in such a sudden, short span was a blow I found nearly impossible to sustain. And when I say nearly—Oh, but for GOD. When I think about the goodness of Jesus and all he has done for me, it hits differently!
I am eternally grateful to my lovely wife Cat because I don’t know how I would have made it through that period and the subsequent ten years without her in my life. She has been a major support system for me, and I could never tell her or thank her enough. Words cannot express the deep feelings of love and appreciation I have toward her. How do you communicate to someone that they saved your life and gave you every reason to survive and thrive? How do you thank them? I am only human. I start by loving her and our four kids every day like it is my last. I demonstrate my gratitude by supporting her dreams and giving her the wind beneath her wings that she needs every day to thrive and realize her potential. I am physically present for my children every day so that they may have the best of me and the best of life while we have it.
To my FOUR AMAZING children—Michaela, Isabella, Donald III, and Olivia—I love you so much, and you also have played the biggest role in saving my life and giving me every reason to survive and thrive. Love, care, and gratitude are action words, and I hope I show you every day that I would lay my life down so that you may live. The Bible teaches us that the greatest love of all is to lay your life down for a friend, as Christ did for us. Reflecting on this, I realize that’s what my parents did for me. Every day, and certainly in the end, I want them to know that every breath I take is a breath of life into their legacy, lifting their spirits so they may soar like EAGLES (Go BIRDS!).
10 years ago, I was on top of the world. I had just gotten married, we had our first child and our family was seemingly strong. I held a prestigious position at an investment firm, serving as an Investment Officer and Advisor to large endowments, foundations, and ultra-high-net-worth family groups around the country. I was traveling for work almost every week, and while life was GRAND, it was busy. I’ve been on 1000 flights and had thousands of new business meetings with prospective clients. While all of this was unfolding, I was also back and forth between Philadelphia and Texas. Many of these trips were planned so far in advance with so much at stake that I had no choice but to be present. To give you some perspective, one of the last flights I took before my mother passed away was on a private jet from Houston to Amarillo, Texas. Many people don’t know that the state of Texas is bigger than France, and a drive would have taken at least 13 hours. The meeting was important, so the team had to do what was necessary. I had to keep my head in the game.
I share this context to give you some perspective on how busy I was and how little time I had for the things that mattered most. As these events unfolded, I began to realize that this life was unsustainable. With my family being shattered right before my eyes, I knew I had to make some changes. I didn’t want my new and growing family to meet a similar fate. I left the firm at the end of the year—the most difficult decision of my life—and took a position back home in Philadelphia. On paper, the position was similar, but in reality, it was nothing like it. I knew God had greater plans for me and Cat. After four years at the new firm, I decided to resign to start my own business, but most importantly, to support Cat in her career as she supported me. Her career was taking off and her travel was increasing, but there was a limit to how much we could both do working in big corporate roles with two small children under four. We made this decision strategically and carefully, and it has paid off big time.
Each year, I spend these 17 days in private reflection, fasting, prayer, atonement, and gratitude. I have learned a lot about myself each year during this period, but this year, as I look back over the past decade, I feel the most significant change now.
This time has become a holy period in my life, a space where I honor the memory of my parents and embrace the future with renewed strength and purpose.
"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7
To be continued….